Special Forces Airsoft Group (SFAG) Green Berets
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Please take our USJTF Survey!

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Please take our USJTF Survey! Empty Please take our USJTF Survey!

Mensaje  USJTF6 Jue Jun 14 2012, 06:34

USJTF Members,

Our 4 month time window when we ask questions on many things to you is here! It’s time yet again for the USJTF Survey and we need your help! The USJTF survey is your chance to tell us the USJTF Staff how you feel about things around here. Your feedback is important to us in how we can better improve our services, structure of the community, and the overall level of fun in the organization.

So what is this survey?
The USJTF Survey helps us to identify the feelings, thoughts, ideas, concerns, and comments of the USJTF Organization. This survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous and by filling out the survey you will be entered into a drawing for chance a chance to win one of two free USJTF T-Shirts from http://www.specialforces.com.

Please take our USJTF Survey! T-Shirt

All survey results and award winners will be published in next month's USJTF newsletter. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at USJTFSTAFF@yahoo.com.

In order to progress through this survey, please follow the instructions below:
* Download the Survey below labeled “USJTF Survey” at http://usjtf.org/?topic=1060.msg1751#msg1751
* Complete the survey and add your T-Shirt size in the comments block
* E-Mail your Survey to USJTFSTAFF@yahoo.com

Thanks USJTF Members for your comments,

Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 15/12/2011

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